Sofia Ps.
6 Simple Hiking Tips for Beginners
Recently, I’ve tried hiking all the way to the top of a mountain for the first time in my life. I’ve hiked before, but have never attempted to reach the summit. And you know what? It’s ok! There’s a first time for everything!
Being inexperienced I’ve realized how important it is to be properly prepared, in order to have a safe and pleasant experience. Here are six simple hiking tips that helped me:
1. Train
Nothing too much, but if you’re not fit at all start walking regularly for a few weeks in advance to increase your stamina. Eat healthy and rest well before your hike, it will help! Also, you should try taking short hikes at first, in order to learn to listen to your body and know your fitness level.
2. Do not go alone
This is really important. Going alone on a mountain is not a good idea if you’re not used to doing activities like this. Go with a group, ideally with people who have hiked before.
3. Be prepared
Be properly prepared and dressed. You might think that goes without saying, but I’ve seen people going on a hike wearing flip flops. You’ll definitely need good hiking boots, a good backpack, and preferably hiking clothes in general (layers are SO helpful). Make sure you pack the essentials (first aid kit, torch, Swiss knife, map of the area, compass etc.), but keep your bag as light as possible!
4. Take care of yourself
Take your time and know your limits. Breaks are important, but long breaks will eventually make you feel more tired. Make sure you have enough water and pack healthy and nutritious snacks. If you’re hiking in Greece never forget your hat, sunglasses & sunscreen!
5. Check the weather
If you’re not experienced it’s better to hike a mountain when the weather is good, so try to avoid the snowy and rainy seasons. Especially if you’re going to very steep mountains with lots of slate (that’s common in Greece), which can be extremely slippery.
I hope you will find these tips useful! However, please keep in mind that I’m not a professional or an experienced hiker. These are just a few tips from a beginner’s point of view that have helped me personally and they might help you as well! If you want to know more, there are so many resources out there; Ask people who hike often, read a blog, watch a video. And, of course, take it easy at first, but never give up! Go out there and start hiking, you will not regret it!
Have you ever been on a mountain hike? How was your first experience?
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Sofia Ps.

Sofia Ps.

Sofia Ps.

Sofia Ps.